This trick is highly effective, and can impair the enjoyment of the game. With this trick, you will not have to wait weeks to get the legendary team. I've tested. Got all the pieces I was looking for a while after many unsuccessful attempts over two weeks. A rationale for each is used.
First ...
The best pieces of armor, the legendary September, and other equipment great for casters, it comes in blue boxes. The only way is to get a drop on the heads of random maps. That drop is generally 2%. To say this is almost the same as saying you will not fall anymore, or at least that's my experience. I spent two weeks down 4 to 5 times to fight a boss of dungeon then I would not say good morning. However, this equipment is required to have any chance against the bosses vintage at high levels ... The only solution seems Hoimi table. When probeis, the exploit of the blue boxes will seem a bad joke. With this trick you can get the legendary team even before finishing the game and give Lucifer the beating of his life.
Before the explanation, I have to ask a mental exercise. Imagine a grid with 100 cells. You are on the grid 0. Every time you throw a minicuración , go along a grid. So, after 5 minicuraciones that you ask, you'd find in section five. Each time you cast a minicuración, will advance a table for that grid. The multicuración, you will advance 4 frames. The omnicuración, be 8 . The aim of all this, now you will see, will put us in a precise grid before the fight with the boss. By the way, Hoimi is the name given to the minicuración in Japan (if you itch of curiosity).
And now, I proceed with the explanation. These are the steps to follow:
1) Just before the head of the map, you must have a character with really low life. I mean by low red.
2) Enter the level where the head of the map and make a quick save.
3) After saving the game, and before leaving the loading screen, turn off the console. This is important . With this we restart the game and Hoimi table.
4) Turn on your console and load the game.
5) Now you are in front of the head. Log in attributes of the characters, and watch your Terapeucidad curator. Write in the first box on page Hoimi table, and hit the button. The number 30 will change to match the amount of HP that could heal your healer with spell minicuración. The table address Hoimi:
First direction seems off. I did the second.
6) Now you have to make five minicuraciones your character in life. Each minicuración, you point the amount that has been cured.
7) When you put all five numbers in their respective positions, hit the button at the bottom of the screen.
8) You should now receive a results page with one, two or three links. If you have gone just a link, we will have almost finished. If you have gone two or three, you need to make a cure more, point your result on the page and give it back to the button. When we finally have a single result. Click the link puts Javascript.
9) we will see a grid with 100 squares. Our goal is to stay in the box above the red box. Therefore, does the number of priests who need to be just before red square . To do this we can make as many minicuraciones that may be required taking into account that we are in box 5 or 6 of the grid. Each minicuración (even though it appears the message that has not cured anything ), will move when the grid. The multicuraciones, move 4 spaces.
At this point, in some cases red box does not appear, or only blue. In this case, you have to start again the beginning.
10) Once placed in front of the red box. We will fight against the boss immediately, without doing anything else. That is the reason for us to make the quick save just before. There are many things in the game that can take us forward on the table Hoimi.
11) Beat the boss without using knockouts. Anything else, like magic, technical or vocation weapons are allowed, but never knockouts.
12) Vence, and receive your drop of less than 2%.
And this is the trick. It may seem complicated, but it is actually very simple. To prove it, I leave a video that explains it perfectly. Furthermore, This same trick can make things that last alchemy needed to alchemize percentage, with a 100% success. All in the same way.
What do you think?
First ...
The best pieces of armor, the legendary September, and other equipment great for casters, it comes in blue boxes. The only way is to get a drop on the heads of random maps. That drop is generally 2%. To say this is almost the same as saying you will not fall anymore, or at least that's my experience. I spent two weeks down 4 to 5 times to fight a boss of dungeon then I would not say good morning. However, this equipment is required to have any chance against the bosses vintage at high levels ... The only solution seems Hoimi table. When probeis, the exploit of the blue boxes will seem a bad joke. With this trick you can get the legendary team even before finishing the game and give Lucifer the beating of his life.
Before the explanation, I have to ask a mental exercise. Imagine a grid with 100 cells. You are on the grid 0. Every time you throw a minicuración , go along a grid. So, after 5 minicuraciones that you ask, you'd find in section five. Each time you cast a minicuración, will advance a table for that grid. The multicuración, you will advance 4 frames. The omnicuración, be 8 . The aim of all this, now you will see, will put us in a precise grid before the fight with the boss. By the way, Hoimi is the name given to the minicuración in Japan (if you itch of curiosity).
And now, I proceed with the explanation. These are the steps to follow:
1) Just before the head of the map, you must have a character with really low life. I mean by low red.
2) Enter the level where the head of the map and make a quick save.
3) After saving the game, and before leaving the loading screen, turn off the console. This is important . With this we restart the game and Hoimi table.
4) Turn on your console and load the game.
5) Now you are in front of the head. Log in attributes of the characters, and watch your Terapeucidad curator. Write in the first box on page Hoimi table, and hit the button. The number 30 will change to match the amount of HP that could heal your healer with spell minicuración. The table address Hoimi:
First direction seems off. I did the second.
6) Now you have to make five minicuraciones your character in life. Each minicuración, you point the amount that has been cured.
7) When you put all five numbers in their respective positions, hit the button at the bottom of the screen.
8) You should now receive a results page with one, two or three links. If you have gone just a link, we will have almost finished. If you have gone two or three, you need to make a cure more, point your result on the page and give it back to the button. When we finally have a single result. Click the link puts Javascript.
9) we will see a grid with 100 squares. Our goal is to stay in the box above the red box. Therefore, does the number of priests who need to be just before red square . To do this we can make as many minicuraciones that may be required taking into account that we are in box 5 or 6 of the grid. Each minicuración (even though it appears the message that has not cured anything ), will move when the grid. The multicuraciones, move 4 spaces.
At this point, in some cases red box does not appear, or only blue. In this case, you have to start again the beginning.
10) Once placed in front of the red box. We will fight against the boss immediately, without doing anything else. That is the reason for us to make the quick save just before. There are many things in the game that can take us forward on the table Hoimi.
11) Beat the boss without using knockouts. Anything else, like magic, technical or vocation weapons are allowed, but never knockouts.
12) Vence, and receive your drop of less than 2%.
And this is the trick. It may seem complicated, but it is actually very simple. To prove it, I leave a video that explains it perfectly. Furthermore, This same trick can make things that last alchemy needed to alchemize percentage, with a 100% success. All in the same way.
What do you think?
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