Sunday, August 1, 2010

Eod Fatality Rate Herrick

Draconarius (aka Dragonlord).

against spoilers notice. What you read is sensitive material.

Okay, fine. I know I said yesterday Dhoulmagus input we would have to wait until next downloadable missions to fight more bosses Vintage. And look you, I was mistaken. But it was not a conscious thing, okay? This morning I discovered how to get the map to the boss that I did not get in the Japanese version of the game, so it is so new to me as anyone. And there's more good news. Dragonlord is the first in a series of 3 bosses that getting continuous maps, and will talk over the coming days. But now, I'll tell you who is Draconarius. This dragon will remind all players of Dragon Quest VIII to last dragovianas test, and do not walk misguided ... In fact the dragon was a tribute, here in Dragon Quest IX is repeated. Draconarius was the first head end of the saga, and in Dragon Quest I and much of the blame game title is due to him. In Dragon Quest II was the final boss, in fact, a grandson of the Dragonlord. In the original game, to get to the cave where we expect Dragon Lord, give us a choice if we wanted to rule the world at his side. If we chose this, the game concluded, refuse the proposal resulted in a pretty tough battle.

Most importantly: how get the map to get to this boss , and the two that follow? Getting the map is not easy and can be reached easily desesperaros. In fact, I been difficult and somewhat boring. You see, I have a random dungeon map that I have been playing a bit these days, is called Earth Platinum Suffering Nv. 92 and is a good map. On the way down to the floor 14 there are several chests & S range, about 4 to about 3 A rank and S rank, so until there is not a bad map, but the best thing is is the final boss. The final boss of this dungeon is special. I will not reveal who it is, to keep the plot, but you will recognize right away. I'm not 100% sure what I will say, but I think in the caves where you see this boss (the monster bestiary No 294) can get the map Draconarius the rarest of drops. As ye shall have determined, by deploying a treasure map, you will have 3 objects with interrogations. The map Draconarius would be the rarest of all and the likelihood of achieving this is a ridiculous 5%. During these last days I was down to fight the boss about 4 or 5 times a day because my instinct browser told me to leave a good drop ... and I was right. But this morning I remembered the trick birthday, and have been implemented. I do not know if you have something to do, but it has turned the rarest drop in the third attempt. For those who do not know, the birthday trick is to put the date of the console the same day as the day you have selected in the game as the hero's birthday. This is supposed to drop increases.

I have not played too much against this boss yet, but from what I've seen has given me the feeling that it was harmless compared to the previous. Draconarius is weak wind force . His physical attacks were quite powerful, but at no time has made me critical, thus denying it dangerous when compared to Baramos or Mudo, for example. Neither has shown a wide range of techniques, the most notable were breath of fire (painful, yes, but bearable for now), and I have not come to launch disruptive wave in no time. So far I have seen (level 17), I found it the poorest of all bosses vintage. An 8-bit boss. Second Level

drop% drop% Third

Alefgrado Boots 1-3 15% 5% red orb 4-8
Alefgrado Helmet Red Orb 15% 5% 9-15 Armor Alefgrado
15% 6% Red Orb
16-25 Map of Red Orb Psaro 10% 6%
Psaro Map 26-40 15% 7%
Red Orb Map Psaro 41-56 20% 7%
Red Orb Map Psaro 57-68 25% Red Orb 8 %
Psaro Map 69-80 30% 8%
Red Orb Map Psaro 81-90 35% 9%
Red Orb Map Psaro 91-99 40% 10%
Red Orb


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