Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kitchen-aire Ventilator


the last part of our plan What we need to improve? Pastoral Plan objectives and improvements we proposed three important tasks of the Mission:

  • Evangelization In Communion and Participation In
  • Social Commitment

5.1 The Evangelization

5.1.1 Objectives: The primary goal of evangelization is a clear announcement of Christ alive and his ideal of building the Kingdom of God on earth.

Be aware that ALL FROM THE BAPTISM We are called to holiness, not just a superficial piety of prayers, petitions and praises, but we are asked a total commitment to building the Kingdom of God, being tough to give his life if necessary, as the saints and martyrs.

must revive and encourage the vocation of all baptized men and women, work of evangelization, in order to grow the Fe:

  • a faith more personal conviction.
  • we celebrate our common faith feel the brotherhood and joy.
  • To hold "inculturation", ie according to our own way of relating to God, with brothers and with creation.
  • A faith that commits us to build the Kingdom of God, which is beginning to do at work for a better world for everyone.
  • A faith solidarity, community, transforming this world so unfair.
  • A faith that builds communion.

What roads are going to take? Renew Evangelism: This is an important task in overcoming the superficial Catholicism and without conversion and without apostolic commitment and renew our Christian communities:

  • Reviving and prioritize vocation of all baptized Christians to missionary work and encourage everyone to join in the various ministries and services. Rate
  • traditional ministries. We want all those services in the community (elders, prayers, brothers ...) are integrated into community life. That new Ministries respect the old and open a dialogue between them. Renewing faith celebration: Making The Eucharist is the center of community life:

  • must express the unity and diversity, fraternity and service to the needy.
  • deepen the meaning of each sacrament and celebrate with a sense of community to avoid becoming "social events" or noisy environments are created that prevent the necessary concentration and reflection, and also to consider the current guidelines of the Church.
  • express the life experiences of communities, their troubles and their hopes for the celebration of the sacraments and other life experiences of communities. Incorporate specific signs and symbols that express, according to the sense of community, faith that is celebrated. Ie to achieve a festive liturgy and inculturation. Renew
  • celebrations of the Word to be an attentive ear, heart, the message of Christ and a common reflection on community life that will lead to real commitments. Making
  • are properly prepared with the participation of all ministries and groups, without exception and with creativity.
  • Always keep in mind that all this celebratory dimension is important because it is part of life.
Renew Catechesis: Catechesis process should be a solid grounding in the faith.

  • Renovate and systematize the Catechesis of children, youth and adults, in the sense that it is less massive, using new methodology, more personal, especially with youth. Advertise
  • clearly living Christ. And his choice for the Kingdom. Remember
  • Catechesis of guidance on the various forms of prayer. For each community and family is a school of prayer DEEP, non-routine, which leads us to the experience of personal faith and conversion and convincing.
  • Lost
  • memory of our martyrs and saints within the catechetical content, which are rich in our Church.
  • refocusing the missionary.:. Systematize the Sunday catechism.

Communion and Participation 5.2 The

5.2.1 Objectives:

  • maintaining communion in diversity. The Church is communion in the image of the Trinity. His spirituality is fellowship.
  • must be achieved, therefore, a greater involvement of priests, religious, religious and laity, each according to his identity in the structures or bodies of the Church in order to ensure continuity in pastoral work.
  • Promote Good organization, so that from the responsibility, to run a joint pastoral.

5.2.2 What roads are going to take?: Communion and coordination:

  • promote community unity through the union of all groups in the Eucharist and / or Celebration of the Word. Foster
  • communion between priests and religious. Making
  • small faith communities share their support, are favored to be accompanied each other.
  • Encourage the catechists or delegates of the Word have the space and support necessary to organize and coordinate among themselves at the community level, at the parish level, zonal level and diocesan level.
  • insist that the Parish Council, in the pastoral areas MEETINGS, sessions DIOCESAN PASTORAL COUNCIL, and on various commissions, should be represented various lay ministries. Promote
  • DIFFERENT GROUPS AND LAY MINISTRIES do his ministry in coordination, without rivalry. For this reason we propose to create Councils LAY, we need to coordinate their parish ministry of the various lay groups. Training:

  • properly prepare the responsibilities of each ministry Taking into account that requires a specific methodology for urban and one for rural areas.
  • PARTICIPATE IN retreats. Not only "workshops." Participation of Women:

  • MORE SPACE PROVIDED AND DUTIES OF WOMEN in the ministry, also in the direction of community activities. PROMOTING WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS
  • for mutual aid and to participate more strongly.

Pastoral Specific: Do not forget the need to organize.

  • family ministry. School parents, as deemed in each parish. Must be addressed here fields of family planning and responsible parenthood.
  • CHILDREN'S MINISTRY. Taking into account what has been said about the catechism. YOUTH MINISTRY
  • . Recalling that this is a preferred option in the Church in Latin America, and the urgent pastoral care for most of the people in our Diocese. Every parish should have it.
  • vocations. Young people are an important part of the Church to carry out its mission. We educate them to listen to the call of Christ. Is an integral part of the pastoral community and family.
  • PASTORAL EDUCATION. We need to stimulate the pastoral care of the various pastoral agents that affect it (youth, teachers, families, etc.). New Ministries: need to better serve existing ministries, assume that are not yet known and encourage the creation of which may be required. For example:

  • the permanent diaconate. Taking seriously the widespread application to be considered from the cultural identity of the peoples of the Verapaz.

5.3 The Social Commitment

5.3.1 Objectives:

  • The main objective is to put into practice the Christian love in an organized manner, is ie, not individually but as members of a community and therefore in communion and participation. Flesh
  • option for the poor, the needy, the privileged recipients of the Gospel, aware of social changes in the current context of globalization. Communities that are open to new social situations. Recognize
  • Charity organized in this way is part of the identity of the Church. Making
  • each community has its organization in this field, its social pastoral agents, who live in the community to maintain social commitment and the necessary information on the situation of people.
  • Create a culture of peace, reconciliation, dialogue and tolerance.

5.3.2 What roads are going to take? Starting from an analysis or diagnosis of our community. is, let's see what the needs strong. Promote a sense of community. This is what we can do as a community. Perhaps supporting the rule making or responding to other needs that the State does not.
Respecting the dignity of the needy. not discriminate by sex or age or religion or culture. Engage in the defense of life and promoting human rights, in particular directly promote the dignity and rights of women. Raising the consciousness of that Charity is an essential part of evangelization , is the result of an effective evangelization. Everything else: prayer, doctrine, God's Word, sacraments, must be focused on service to others.
organize activities in order to reconciliation and peace. To promote a culture of dialogue within communities, a new consciousness of coexistence and respect for differences and thus overcome the culture of violence, sexism, racism, sectarianism, enforcement and lack of dialogue. To encourage the commitment to pastoral land and human mobility. Fighting for the right to land and fair wages.
Train and For the development and effective citizen participation. Responding to emergency situations. Addressing the most vulnerable groups of the population. collaborate in the social formation of catechists and social pastoral commissions in parishes, regions and communities. That each parish has its social ministry committee, responsible for guiding and coordinating the social action and community groups.
ensure the health of the whole person. especially the neediest, through the Pastoral Care.

5.4 Do With what means we have to perform these tasks?

committees, diocesan bodies and those who have MINISTRIES DIOCESAN are primarily responsible for promoting compliance with the objectives proposed earlier. The three main tasks or focus of our Pastoral Plan are to be encouraged by:

  • Evangelism Team. Responsible for encouraging the work of evangelization.
  • Coordinating Bodies Diocesan level. Charged with the task to promote and implement the Communion and Participation.
  • The Social Pastoral Commission. Charge of encouraging and organizing the social pastoral.

5.4.1 Evangelism Team

mandates the current Commission Training to organize the team that will, among other possibilities, the following tasks:

  • Continue TRAINING COURSES, expanding and adapting content to the experience of the people.
  • promote a methodology for courses to be more creative, more participatory. Making
  • each ministry has its training program, and in their language.
  • Promoting lifelong learning.
  • Ensure that each parish has a team of instructors.
  • Create a bank of materials for catechesis. Promote and plan
  • CATECHESIS DIRECT communities. This means teaching courses or workshops directly to communities.

will also in its work by encouraging the inculturation of the Gospel.

  • contact and coordinate with other dioceses who have strong projects of inculturation.
  • CONTINUE THE STUDY OF NATIVE RITES to undertake its valuable features, worthy of expressing the official liturgy of the Church. Develop materials
  • inculturated ministry, with direct participation of beneficiaries. DISCLOSURE
  • experiences and studies that have been made in the Diocese in this matter.
  • To publicize the activities and services of the 'AK' Kutan. "

The team will also take into account the following suggestions operational

  • Create a subcommittee of Liturgy, which promotes courses to renew the liturgy, especially with clear criteria for inculturation. To give specific training to the various servers involved in the celebration. To encourage, guide and promote the musical and liturgical choirs. Create
  • Commission Social Media. It must be all those working in this field. To make the programming of the radio is in harmony with the Pastoral Plan and Service of the Diocese. They may also work in the publication of the Diocesan Bulletin.
  • Create the Council of Laity, as expressed in the Pastoral Plan.
  • translators Create Team, whose task will be that in the various areas have access to materials in their own language.
  • Implement a School of Ministry. Every day sees the need for better methods to properly expose the contents of the message of Christ in preaching. Training is also needed to exercise the other ministries.

Diocesan Coordinating Bodies 5.4.2.

  • Y. PASTORAL COUNCIL. The Pastoral Council shall include all those office functions at the various levels of pastoral
    • three coordinators of the three priority tasks of the Diocese (Evangelism, Communion and Pastoral and Social Participation).
    • each area coordinators pastoral sub-zones and areas.
    • The Vicar of Pastoral.
    • The Vicar General.
    • The CEO of the Radio.
    • Bishop.
  • Priests' Council.

will play in these instances to ensure that the parishes are truly communities of communities, with their own Pastoral Plan, with representation from all ministries in the parish council and their own parish committees to ensure implementation of the Pastoral Plan.

5.4.3 The Social Pastoral Commission.

  • Strengthen Social Pastoral Diocesan Commission, which is responsible for coordinating, monitoring and encouragement of the Church's social action in Verapaz.
  • Develop a Global Plan of Social Pastoral. Develop
  • a training strategy, evaluation, analysis and training of pastoral agents to encourage social ministry in parishes and zones.


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