Monday, February 1, 2010

Can You Polish Brown Boots Black

The birth of good Gambeson. (Gambeson part 2)

(Continued on the part of Pregambesón .)......... The story continues for the better. :) -----------------------------------------------

It was then thought of going to town with the premium of the premium for my mother, we, the cousin of my aunt, to help us in cutting and sewing apparel gambeson, as she has skill with these issues because when I was younger, his clothes are made from patterns in French fashion magazines.

I put a picture of the batting so that my vest is not the first photo. hehe

On the other hand I found other patterns such as Pattern for Medieval SCA Gambeson Comunity,

And again, my mother had a brilliant idea "Son, do you not like vest?, we can assert to the pattern" and in fact, happened in full. This is the vest, I have olgadito it is warm. It should be remembered that it has to be olgado gambeson.

With everything said before, especially at the end. The ACS gambeson and my vest, and taking into account that would enlist the help of my aunt's cousin. On January 19, 2010 went by bus to the people of my aunt (who lives in the corner Ademuz, near the village where they are the three in Cuenca), which had them making sausage (my mother was there for a few days to help his cousin), and was going to take to my aunt's cousin to help me. (Do not give names lol).

Well, on the morning of Wednesday, they began to compile the pattern through my jacket, she grabbed the vest, laid it on the paper pattern and total peace was drawing the shape on paper, putting more inches if it was more accurate for the gambeson not snug.
The final form was very similar to the pattern of SCA gambeson.
So she drew the front, and back, stretching low to be left long to near the knees.

sleeves pattern was more confusing for her because she was not used to make sleeves, but the pattern of SCA gambeson, and a few minor tweaks emerged from his personal experience, is consigió pattern sleeves.

And here (meaning, you in the front and back the pattern is taken as one half of the total item to get).

Well, once made the pattern, pass the pattern to the fabric. That's where the pins, chalk fabric and other "friends" who joined us in the preparation of gambeson.
Pictured is the cousin of my aunt drawing the pattern on the canvas.

For that, my idea was inside the gambeson put two layers of cotton wool that he had bought, but this was something plump, and on the other hand, put two layers of batting would work harder and more sewing, and finally chose to use a layer and save concerns. Since when sheets of wadding, the blade goes between two layers of fabric and sewn (not to do fabric channels to put on wool as heavy Gambeson nothing anachronistic).
cut patterns with both parties to canvas, and wadding.

beware, beware of the lines of fabric, it says "the thread" I think. We must cut the fabric and make the piece in the fabric pieces with the thread completely vertical, as if decentralized, the piece will pull more than one side to another and can deform or even unravel. Maybe
to understand what I mean, that maybe only trouble for my almost no knowledge, and not explain it to be fully comprehensible to readers. ;)

We, the pattern is drawn on fabric with fabric chalk, both joined the batting in the middle, and round-headed pins, adjust the points of the piece as possible, and the edges of the piece we take to the pins to keep it from moving. Part of the pins we are going hilbanando (what is loosely sewn to give clamping).

Once the edges, I drew the lines of the padding, I put them in 4 centimetrosaprox, the trick was that the rule we used mean 4 inches wide and so do the lines másrápido mefue. The quilted stripes were just lines, but wanted diamonds, was not plan. hehe

The painted lines in turn must hilbanarlas all, specifying fixed by pins if necessary to fit best (I used them in a few and others did not need).

This process is repeated on the sleeves and front.

Once everything. Is passed to the sewing machine and stitched the whole piece.

In the photo, the two sleeves sewn. (The orange chalk inside is not seen, and yet, washing leaves.)

Stitched pieces are hilbanan the different pieces together to see if it fits well, and put it to test. It hilbanaron front and back and a sleeve to see how it went.

From this step in the process of sewing, I saw little more because I had to return to Valencia.

But in itself progressively hilbanado be sewing it and so on. I can say little because I did not see this part and is a more complicated task than it may I think, therefore I say little more. The

gambeson it stayed there while I went down to Valencia on Friday (three days later.)
My mother returned Sunday, but without the gambeson because my aunt wanted to do it he had seen (the edge of the fabric.) For Davies, chose maroon. And I brought these photos as I was the gambeson:
In the photos, the fringe garnet are you saw (or as you type) where you have hilbanados to sew.

The gambeson (since my parents flock to the town) I took him down this past Sunday (yesterday), my mother has given him a small tweaks ..... y. voilà!

I must emphasize certain aspects, the neck would be high to protect the Coif cold, but do not know why, have not, I can not complain. ;). Although there has been something big.
sleeves and go with the bottom without joining, because it breathes more and also because it is much easier to do without having to make an armhole complicate it does not pull.

cuts apron are the cavalry, not for nothing, but you never know if they ever will ride a horse, and some of the effects apron with side slits was an option that did not convince me.

I roll it up more, a picture is worth a thousand words and I think the images that I have set serve as a good example. ;)

From here (although not going to read), a million thanks to the cousin of my aunt (that I was in all parts of the process), and also my aunt and my mother (who sewed by machine .) I do the whole project, just cut material, and drew the edges and padded hilbané (also not a negligible work.)

Greetings. And nothing left to Teruel.


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