4.1 Introduction
We briefly discussed our reality, now we will present HOW WE WANT OUR CHURCH IS VERAPAZ. These are the five most important qualities in order of priority, discussed and voted at the Diocesan Assembly.
We have taken into account the guidelines of Vatican II, the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM), the Episcopal Conference of Guatemala (CEG) and of course, social and cultural reality of our land.
Praying Church "In those days it was a mountain to pray and spent the night in prayer to God. When the time called his disciples and chose twelve of them ... "(Luke 6:12-13).
prayer and contemplation of the evangelizing action arises. A contemplative and prayerful church, able to meet God and hear his voice, can do his will. It is contemplating Christ, to love and imitate him and then announce it. The experience of prayer should be like a transverse axis in all the actions of the Church in communion and participation in its inculturation, etc. The result is a mystical contemplation that makes the baptized recognize the values \u200b\u200bthat God planted in their culture and contribution in the light of the Gospel that frees and improves the lives of individuals and peoples.
4.3 Evangelization and Missionary Church
"Go and make all nations my disciples, baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I I have commanded ... "(M t. 28:19-20).
All baptized we respond to God's call, the missionary responsibility is a commitment by all (as), which is based on e Baptism and strengthened in Confirmation, so that everyone finds his place in the Church, develop his charisma, his gifts, in communion with others, in various ministries. Prior to the call to any particular ministry is the call to evangelization, all who have been evangelized are called and urged to evangelize others, but then every person alive their commitment according to their own vocation. That mainly young people, open your heart to Christ, you can call them and ask a more radical his service as lay missionaries, religious (as) or priests. Promoting such vocations is the responsibility of every Christian family.
4.4 y. Participation.
"That all may be one as You, Father, are in me and I in you. They are also one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent. "(Jn 17:21).
We undertake to promote a united Church. But this union does not mean we do all the same and the same way. Respecting the gifts and qualities of each we will participate together in the mission Church, a Church of participation.
Especially the laity must be more spaces in the decision, direction and organization, so that our Church needs lay well organized and prepared as there is enough good will or desire to participate and lead.
The various ministries and groups must agree on the objectives and work together to achieve them. This requires good coordination, in conjunction with the Bishop, diocesan councils, pastoral areas, parishes and parish councils, which are means of coordinating people and fraternal. They must participate to strengthen communion.
4.5 inculturated Church
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory ..." (John 1.14).
We have to feel our church as our family, not something foreign to our way of life. In this church family there are brothers and sisters from different cultures which enrich the life of the Church, calls for unity, not division.
Although the content of the Christian message is the same for all forms of live the faith must be distinguished, while respecting the eigenmodes of each culture, ie "the ways individuals and, in a village, men cultivate their relationship with nature, among themselves and with God" (Puebla Doc 386).
In the life of the Church no culture should be considered superior to another, or impose their own ways to express or celebrate their faith, this should be considered primarily in preaching, in the celebrations of the Word in the sacramental liturgy, the church organization and ministry. Both the elderly, as young people, the Maya and Ladino, must feel respected and loved in the way of expressing faith and love.
Nor is it correct to think that the forms and traditions can not be changed.
Servant of the Poor
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, why I devoted. He sent me to bring good news to the poor "(Lk 4.18).
What identifies the Church is its poor condition and servant of the poor. and although we can not solve the problems of all the poor, is a requirement of our Church is a constant concern to find them and close them, solve their problems. The lack of attention to the material needs and spiritual needs of the poor indicate a great lack of the Spirit of Christ.
We must do a better organized social ministry for our willingness to share our thinking and social doctrine, our material goods, means of production, etc., Not wasted through lack of organization. It should articulate the social pastoral activities to the needs of each parish.
We proclaim in our catechesis and preaching our Christian commitment to a more just and solidarity with those fighting for human rights and denounce injustice and corruption.
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