As perhaps you know if you follow my comments, I have a few days looking for information about the revocation, but before telling you what I found out, I will discuss what it is. Revocation can only be done once the main story. In vocationis Abbey, Abbot will let us choose the option of revoking a profession, ie converting a class level 99 (maximum possible) back to level 1 . This seems very counter productive has several very significant profits at the end of the game. The most obvious is that the return to level 1, 200 skill points earned remain intact, so that we can win again. But there is more, much more. In principle it should be noted that each class can withdraw a maximum of 10 times per character. Before proceeding, we comment on the evolution of skill points. They earn always following the same pattern, independent of the class:
At levels 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12, get 3 skill points.
At levels 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 21, you get 4.
At levels 23, 24, 26, 27, 29 and 30, get 5.
At levels 32, 33, 35, 36, 38 and 39, you get 6.
At levels 41 and 42, get 5.
At levels 44 and 45, you get 4.
At levels 47 and 48, get 3.
At levels 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98 and 99, get 2.
That makes a total of: 200 points.
Given that there are 12 classes, not back any of them, we get 2400 points. To achieve a skill level of 100 in the 13 weapons and 12 class skills, we should revoke at least once a profession .
However, the revocation would be a silly thing if he stayed in it. Therefore, there are more 4 benefits in addition to the revocation which I will comment. I hate to be so little short, but I have not given all the data (accepting aid this).
1) Accessories: In overturning a class the first time we award a special accessory , a sort of badge that depending on the class that we have withdrawn, we will grant a special benefit. Guerrero
Medal soldier. Aumnta attack at +20. Paladin
: Order of Chivalry. Increase defense +17.
Gladiator critical acclaim. Increases the probability of a critical strike. Priest
Medal jacket. +35 Increases the terapeucidad.
Juggler: Award superimposed. To fit out the opposite sex objects.
Star: Nosce. Accentuate the style.
Wise: Legion of Merit. +60 Increases the PM.
Thief: Honor of thieves. Increases the chance of stealing successfully.
Martial Arts: Mercury Prize. +120 Agility increases.
Ranger Medal of Freedom. +100 Expertise increases.
Magician: Magic Achievement. Increases magic power at +50.
Armamentalista: Medal of Merit. Increases the chances of a coup de grace.
3) Likelihood of best dungeon maps I have found the formula with which to obtain the following map of dungeon each time you overcome one. In this formula influences reversal pricipalmente character.
4) Chance increased alquimización: You may have noticed that you are turning the tables on alchemy the best items of each type are subject to a probability of success . For example, swords, sword Hypernova has a 20% chance of appearing to alchemize Supernova sword (this is the reason that there reset the stones.) Each revocation to do about a class the main character, would increase the probability for all objects in a 1% .
At levels 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12, get 3 skill points.
At levels 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 21, you get 4.
At levels 23, 24, 26, 27, 29 and 30, get 5.
At levels 32, 33, 35, 36, 38 and 39, you get 6.
At levels 41 and 42, get 5.
At levels 44 and 45, you get 4.
At levels 47 and 48, get 3.
At levels 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98 and 99, get 2.
That makes a total of: 200 points.
Given that there are 12 classes, not back any of them, we get 2400 points. To achieve a skill level of 100 in the 13 weapons and 12 class skills, we should revoke at least once a profession .
However, the revocation would be a silly thing if he stayed in it. Therefore, there are more 4 benefits in addition to the revocation which I will comment. I hate to be so little short, but I have not given all the data (accepting aid this).
1) Accessories: In overturning a class the first time we award a special accessory , a sort of badge that depending on the class that we have withdrawn, we will grant a special benefit. Guerrero
Medal soldier. Aumnta attack at +20. Paladin
: Order of Chivalry. Increase defense +17.
Gladiator critical acclaim. Increases the probability of a critical strike. Priest
Medal jacket. +35 Increases the terapeucidad.
Juggler: Award superimposed. To fit out the opposite sex objects.
Star: Nosce. Accentuate the style.
Wise: Legion of Merit. +60 Increases the PM.
Thief: Honor of thieves. Increases the chance of stealing successfully.
Martial Arts: Mercury Prize. +120 Agility increases.
Ranger Medal of Freedom. +100 Expertise increases.
Magician: Magic Achievement. Increases magic power at +50.
Armamentalista: Medal of Merit. Increases the chances of a coup de grace.
3) Likelihood of best dungeon maps I have found the formula with which to obtain the following map of dungeon each time you overcome one. In this formula influences reversal pricipalmente character.
4) Chance increased alquimización: You may have noticed that you are turning the tables on alchemy the best items of each type are subject to a probability of success . For example, swords, sword Hypernova has a 20% chance of appearing to alchemize Supernova sword (this is the reason that there reset the stones.) Each revocation to do about a class the main character, would increase the probability for all objects in a 1% .
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