Each time you finish with the head of a random dungeon, it gives you a new map. What I will tell you now is about how this new map is generated . The quality of maps DQ IX is based on two factors: the quality and random factor. Quality is a number between 2 and 248 , which is determined by a formula. The random factor assigned to the quality obtained a score of 32768 maps. That means there are 8 million dungeons (that you can make an idea about the level of programming behind the happy dungeons). The quality of the new map is based on this formula:
quality = maximum level in a vocation of the hero + 5 * No. of reversals hero + quality of the dungeon we've come.
No account the level of the other characters, only the hero, and neither influenced the vocation we are taking over at the finish. If we finish the dungeon as a level 1 warrior, having among the vocations a gladiator level 50 (the highest vocation of all that we have) for the formula will count the 50. And with the reversals it works like this: if we have reversed as a warrior twice, and as a gladiator 3 times. The maximum number of revocations counted in the formula is 3 (So \u200b\u200bthat would add 15 points to the new grade). I remind you that the maximum number of reversals in a profession is 10 revocation (and thus the maximum score for this variable would be 50).
addition, the base as given by the formula can vary by 10% . This means that given a quality score 100 of base, the final quality could be between 90 and 110. The minimum and maximum defined quality are 2 and 248 (you can achieve more, but the result Capari 248). Once you get the quality, the random factor determine the dungeon three statistics based on it.
Quality 2-55: 2-4 plants, Monsters of rank 1-3, 1-3 final Chief Quality
56-60: 4-6 plants Monsters range 2-4, 1-3 final Chief Quality
61-75 : 4-6 plants Monsters range 2-4, 2-5 final Chief Quality
76-80: 6-10 plants range Monsters 3-5, 2-5 final Chief Quality
81-100: 6-10 plants range Monsters 3-5, 3-7 final Chief Quality
101-120: 8-12 plants range Monsters 4-6, 4-7 final Chief Quality
121-140: 10-14 plants Monsters range 4-6, 5-9 final Chief Quality
141-160: 10-16 plants range Monsters 5-7, 6-9 final Chief Quality
161-180: 10-16 plants, range 5-7 Monsters Chief Quality
7-10 final 181 to 200: 11-16 plants range Monsters 6-9, 8-12 final Chief Quality
201-220: 12-16 plants range Monsters 8-9, 1-12 final Chief Quality
221-248: 14-16 plants, Monsters of range 9, Final Boss 1-12
The floor number is not available plant boss.
Now for the names. There are four things to consider in the Name: the name of the media (type: ice, cave, pond ...), the first word, the second floor and level.
The medium: This word gives us an indication of how profound the dungeon and the type of landscape that we find. There are 5 different types: Cave, Ruins, Ice, Water and Volcano. Each medium has its own monsters.
Rank 1 (2-7 floors): Tunnel (Ruins), Cave (other)
Rank 2 (2-11 plants): Refrigerator (Ice),? (Water), Mina (all others)
Rank 3 (4-13 plants): Pozohelado (Ice), Crater (Water), Mina (all others)
Rank 4 (6-15 plants): Camera snow (ice ), Dungeon (Volcano), Trail (all others)
Rank 5 (8-15 plants): Crypt (all types)
Rank 6 (10-16 plants) Ruins (Ruins), Tundra (Ice), Passage Water (Water), Nest (other)
Rank 7 (12-16 plants): Earth (all media).
Rank 8 (14-16 plants): Abyss (Cave) Labyrinth (Ruins), Glacier (Ice), Empty (Volcano)
The first word gives a rough estimate of how strong are the normal monsters in the dungeon. Is assigned randomly, based on the previous formula of quality, of course. The prefixes vary'll put in the Castilian version:
Arena ......................... 1-2
range Monsters Rock Monsters ........................... 1-2
Granite Range ............... ....... 1-2 range Monsters Monsters
Basalt .......................
Graphite range 1-4 .... Monsters ...................
Iron range 1-4 ....................... .
3-4 range Monsters Monsters Copper ......................... Bronze
range ....................... 3-8 Monsters Steel
range 3-8 ............ range 5-8 ............. Monsters Monsters
Plata range .......................... Gold
5-8 ........................... 5-8
Monsters Platinum range ......... .............. 5-9
range Monsters Monsters Ruby .......................... Esmeralda
range 7-9 ................. 7-9
Monsters Sapphire range ................... 7-9 ......
range Monsters Monsters Diamond range ................... 7-9
The second word indicates what kind of boss final awaits us below. Notice that this word is an approximation, since the ranges are wide, can be the boss level higher or lower. May be missing some words, but you can get an idea about comparing it with them. Here too the names are approximate, sorry.
Joy, Happiness Heads 1-3
Duda, Grief, Pain Heads 1-6
Wailing Doom, Fear Terror
4-9 Chiefs, Blues, Chiefs 7-12
Suffering evil, misfortune, but
Chiefs 10-12
I hope this serves you to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe maps you have in hand. To finish I will put as an example the famous Kawasaki Locker map: the name in Castilian would be Earth Melancholy Emerald Nv. 86.
Earth: Between 12 to 16 floors deep. Is 14. In this case the medium is the Ruins.
Emerald: Monsters of the ranges 7-9, the maximum. In this dungeon Joya Reyes found the platinum, which are what give 240000 exp. to kill (but do very little.)
Melancholy: the final boss would be between the numbers 7 to 12.
recently asked me what the maximum depth of the dungeons, and I said that as many imagine that 22 or 25 floors, I think. Well, I was wrong. The maximum is 16, 17 if you count the header.
Note: This entry is a translation of Terence of Gamefaqs. Deserves full credit for it.
quality = maximum level in a vocation of the hero + 5 * No. of reversals hero + quality of the dungeon we've come.
No account the level of the other characters, only the hero, and neither influenced the vocation we are taking over at the finish. If we finish the dungeon as a level 1 warrior, having among the vocations a gladiator level 50 (the highest vocation of all that we have) for the formula will count the 50. And with the reversals it works like this: if we have reversed as a warrior twice, and as a gladiator 3 times. The maximum number of revocations counted in the formula is 3 (So \u200b\u200bthat would add 15 points to the new grade). I remind you that the maximum number of reversals in a profession is 10 revocation (and thus the maximum score for this variable would be 50).
addition, the base as given by the formula can vary by 10% . This means that given a quality score 100 of base, the final quality could be between 90 and 110. The minimum and maximum defined quality are 2 and 248 (you can achieve more, but the result Capari 248). Once you get the quality, the random factor determine the dungeon three statistics based on it.
Quality 2-55: 2-4 plants, Monsters of rank 1-3, 1-3 final Chief Quality
56-60: 4-6 plants Monsters range 2-4, 1-3 final Chief Quality
61-75 : 4-6 plants Monsters range 2-4, 2-5 final Chief Quality
76-80: 6-10 plants range Monsters 3-5, 2-5 final Chief Quality
81-100: 6-10 plants range Monsters 3-5, 3-7 final Chief Quality
101-120: 8-12 plants range Monsters 4-6, 4-7 final Chief Quality
121-140: 10-14 plants Monsters range 4-6, 5-9 final Chief Quality
141-160: 10-16 plants range Monsters 5-7, 6-9 final Chief Quality
161-180: 10-16 plants, range 5-7 Monsters Chief Quality
7-10 final 181 to 200: 11-16 plants range Monsters 6-9, 8-12 final Chief Quality
201-220: 12-16 plants range Monsters 8-9, 1-12 final Chief Quality
221-248: 14-16 plants, Monsters of range 9, Final Boss 1-12
The floor number is not available plant boss.
Now for the names. There are four things to consider in the Name: the name of the media (type: ice, cave, pond ...), the first word, the second floor and level.
The medium: This word gives us an indication of how profound the dungeon and the type of landscape that we find. There are 5 different types: Cave, Ruins, Ice, Water and Volcano. Each medium has its own monsters.
Rank 1 (2-7 floors): Tunnel (Ruins), Cave (other)
Rank 2 (2-11 plants): Refrigerator (Ice),? (Water), Mina (all others)
Rank 3 (4-13 plants): Pozohelado (Ice), Crater (Water), Mina (all others)
Rank 4 (6-15 plants): Camera snow (ice ), Dungeon (Volcano), Trail (all others)
Rank 5 (8-15 plants): Crypt (all types)
Rank 6 (10-16 plants) Ruins (Ruins), Tundra (Ice), Passage Water (Water), Nest (other)
Rank 7 (12-16 plants): Earth (all media).
Rank 8 (14-16 plants): Abyss (Cave) Labyrinth (Ruins), Glacier (Ice), Empty (Volcano)
The first word gives a rough estimate of how strong are the normal monsters in the dungeon. Is assigned randomly, based on the previous formula of quality, of course. The prefixes vary'll put in the Castilian version:
Arena ......................... 1-2
range Monsters Rock Monsters ........................... 1-2
Granite Range ............... ....... 1-2 range Monsters Monsters
Basalt .......................
Graphite range 1-4 .... Monsters ...................
Iron range 1-4 ....................... .
3-4 range Monsters Monsters Copper ......................... Bronze
range ....................... 3-8 Monsters Steel
range 3-8 ............ range 5-8 ............. Monsters Monsters
Plata range .......................... Gold
5-8 ........................... 5-8
Monsters Platinum range ......... .............. 5-9
range Monsters Monsters Ruby .......................... Esmeralda
range 7-9 ................. 7-9
Monsters Sapphire range ................... 7-9 ......
range Monsters Monsters Diamond range ................... 7-9
The second word indicates what kind of boss final awaits us below. Notice that this word is an approximation, since the ranges are wide, can be the boss level higher or lower. May be missing some words, but you can get an idea about comparing it with them. Here too the names are approximate, sorry.
Joy, Happiness Heads 1-3
Duda, Grief, Pain Heads 1-6
Wailing Doom, Fear Terror
4-9 Chiefs, Blues, Chiefs 7-12
Suffering evil, misfortune, but
Chiefs 10-12
I hope this serves you to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe maps you have in hand. To finish I will put as an example the famous Kawasaki Locker map: the name in Castilian would be Earth Melancholy Emerald Nv. 86.
Earth: Between 12 to 16 floors deep. Is 14. In this case the medium is the Ruins.
Emerald: Monsters of the ranges 7-9, the maximum. In this dungeon Joya Reyes found the platinum, which are what give 240000 exp. to kill (but do very little.)
Melancholy: the final boss would be between the numbers 7 to 12.
recently asked me what the maximum depth of the dungeons, and I said that as many imagine that 22 or 25 floors, I think. Well, I was wrong. The maximum is 16, 17 if you count the header.
Note: This entry is a translation of Terence of Gamefaqs. Deserves full credit for it.
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