Note: here you will find spoilers .
Dhoulmagus ... Well, well, well. Such as cinnamon is fine, if you know what I mean. The guy has a really infernal, unlike Mute or Baramos, they just seem alien food addicts the McDonalds. The bad news is that this guy going to have to harp level after level until you get tired of his face and his arrogant talk, the good news is that if you do, you're going to get a bunch of awards. Yes, here we can not speculate. You will need to have a party rise to highest level, with a good team, excellent shooting, and most important of all: a estretegia work. I suppose it is worth to remind you who he is, but I will. Dhoulmagus was the archenemy in Dragon Quest VIII , or as it's known around here: The Journey of the Cursed King.
Dhoulmagus has attacks of all kinds, and with great variety of elemenentos, which will make it difficult that you try to protect you against all the sufferings to which you will submit. It begins with a breath of fire, a multihit of 4 shots, loose Garraza devastating (although unlike the two previous bosses, Dhoulmagus does critical physical) and superhelicity. Rarely, also used an intimidating scream without exception made me lose a full turn to the party. In level 4, and the wave gets to take away harmful supplements. In level 8 gets a roar. At level 12 attack landslide wins, which I did not test what is the taste. In 28 megahelada gets. The frequently used and very itchy at first, but coming level 60 over 200 pts off the entire party. From level 40, we see how the bastard starts making 3 attacks instead of just 2, and this is where the real problems started for me. At level 57 get Superrrayo, magic that only affects a member. I imagine that before even a level 90 will learn loads of putadas to be punished. Now I have stopped at 65, and has already lie down once (I was careless) and has been on the verge of repeating the feat in a couple of occasions at least. The bad thing is that, while they will not know if I'll be able to bring it up to level 99 (and win) without the best equipment to get before the game.
Tips: for the time I have refined the technique had been employed with Mute and Baramos further, and until level 40-something, knocking him walked two shifts, most of the time. MyGroup: gladiator, gladiator, gladiator priest. All armed with Überfalcoespada (is the best weapon in the game, but not have 5 stars) unless the priest is going to stick. The strategy is:
Shift 1: falcoestocada, falcoestocada, lethal force (the whole party), carambarubí (increases attack power to the entire party).
Shift 2: falcoestocada, falcoestocada, falcoestocada, carambarubí.
Interestingly, Dhoulmagus is weak to lightning, and to use lethal force As well as do double damage, will protect us against attacks of the same type as Superrayo. Second Level
drop% drop% Third
Trodain Boots Purple Orb 20% 5%
Trodain Boots 4-8 25% 5% Orbe purple scarf
trodain 9-15 15% 6% Dhoulmagus has attacks of all kinds, and with great variety of elemenentos, which will make it difficult that you try to protect you against all the sufferings to which you will submit. It begins with a breath of fire, a multihit of 4 shots, loose Garraza devastating (although unlike the two previous bosses, Dhoulmagus does critical physical) and superhelicity. Rarely, also used an intimidating scream without exception made me lose a full turn to the party. In level 4, and the wave gets to take away harmful supplements. In level 8 gets a roar. At level 12 attack landslide wins, which I did not test what is the taste. In 28 megahelada gets. The frequently used and very itchy at first, but coming level 60 over 200 pts off the entire party. From level 40, we see how the bastard starts making 3 attacks instead of just 2, and this is where the real problems started for me. At level 57 get Superrrayo, magic that only affects a member. I imagine that before even a level 90 will learn loads of putadas to be punished. Now I have stopped at 65, and has already lie down once (I was careless) and has been on the verge of repeating the feat in a couple of occasions at least. The bad thing is that, while they will not know if I'll be able to bring it up to level 99 (and win) without the best equipment to get before the game.
Tips: for the time I have refined the technique had been employed with Mute and Baramos further, and until level 40-something, knocking him walked two shifts, most of the time. MyGroup: gladiator, gladiator, gladiator priest. All armed with Überfalcoespada (is the best weapon in the game, but not have 5 stars) unless the priest is going to stick. The strategy is:
Shift 1: falcoestocada, falcoestocada, lethal force (the whole party), carambarubí (increases attack power to the entire party).
Shift 2: falcoestocada, falcoestocada, falcoestocada, carambarubí.
Interestingly, Dhoulmagus is weak to lightning, and to use lethal force As well as do double damage, will protect us against attacks of the same type as Superrayo. Second Level
drop% drop% Third
Trodain Boots Purple Orb 20% 5%
Trodain Boots 4-8 25% 5% Orbe purple scarf
Purple Orb 16-25 Zenithia Pants Purple Orb 15% 6% 26-40
Zenithia Pants Purple Orb 20% 7% 41-56
Zenithia Pants Purple Orb 25% 7% 57-68
Zenithia Helmet Purple 15% Orbe 8 % 69-80
Zenithia Costume Purple Orb 15% 8% 81-90
Zenithia Costume Purple Orb 20% 9% 91-99
Zenithia Costume Purple Orb 25% 10%
Note: Dhoulmagus not released any maps for a new boss. To start the next series of 3 heads, will have to get the rarest drop dungeon boss 294: we provide a map of Draconarius.