The joke funny fags
A truck driver is on the road and see how far a guy with a red cape, the driver is approaching and this does not depart, makes the truck lights and anything that does not move, so the truck hits a halt and stays within a yard of man, low and man in the red cloak says: - I'm the fag in the red cloak, you have something to eat?
The driver looks at him and says,
- But you're stupid or what, you almost do not see outrage!?
The driver climbs into the truck and follow the road as far back to see another guy with a blue cloak. And so it begins to make lights and anything that the guy does not depart again to hit the truck driver slammed on the brakes, down from the truck and the man in the blue cloak says:
- I'm the sissy blue layer, you something to drink?
The truck driver says,
- But it will be possible with the fags?, Do not you see that you almost run over?, Anda removed from here.
The trucker goes back up the truck and continued their path, when the distance back to see a guy with a green layer. And again, lights and all, does not stray, hit a slowdown, remains a man's feet, down from the truck with bad incredible host and tells the man:
- Tu, green layer maricon! ! What?
And the man answers: - For starters, your driver's license.
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