In this second part we have a diagnosis of how we are now. What are our strengths and weaknesses. How we see ourselves.
Let's start by being aware of the serious problems of our people. What is getting daily food, education of children, respect for our cultural identity, our religious identity and live in peace.
A. With Social.
Although there are people living relatively well, most of our people suffer serious social problems. We will highlight some of them.
- Lack of land. This is considered a serious problem, because most people are peasants, and if you do not have land to rent or live as squatters on farms. So do not feel free, are unlikely to overcome. Some have land, but the plots are so small they can not afford to feed the family throughout the year. This is called small holdings, in the case of most farmers in Baja and Alta Verapaz.
- Migration. Many young have to look for life in another place, go to the capital to work as laborers, security guards, masons, maids, etc. or even go to the U.S.. UU. They live in slums where social life is very insecure and easily fall victim to crime or vice. The emigration of young people, in Baja Verapaz, is enormous. There are hardly any young people in rural areas.
- Maras. We increase the number of young people who are part of gangs. They are confused and disappointed youth of this society that does not give them what they want. They are the product of so much poverty, corruption, lack of good education school and family, bad catechesis, and the bad habits they have learned elsewhere or in the media. In gangs, they show their frustration and protest. Fall into crime and drugs.
- Deception by politics. There is a big disappointment in politics, because of widespread corruption. The people are losing interest in participating, and that makes it more difficult to overcome the crisis we are.
B. In the religious.
What is happening to us? How social status affects the religious?
- The Offer of sects. The growth and division of the individualistic tendency expressed sects. Christians are more concerned with his "salvation" or "spiritual welfare, which the community service. Search for "feel good" in their sect, and do not mind "being and doing church." This deviation from the true Christian spirit has tainted many Catholics.
- Many groups within the Church. is good to have different groups, according to the gifts, but unfortunately not always are the fruit of the Holy Spirit that is manifested by the closed, exclusive and fanatical groups.
- The new generations of immigrants, are copying religious forms of urban environments, to give more value and try to impose their communities of origin. Arrive, they impose, reject, imitate evangelical styles and break the harmony in communities.
- Conflicts with traditional groups. More and more often the renewal of Christian life and new forms of spirituality and evangelization conflicts with the traditional groups, too attached to their traditions, not differentiate between what is important and what should be changed. Is missing dialogue.
C. Culturally.
- loss of important values. few by what they see in the city, others because they are influenced by television ... Many good values \u200b\u200bare depreciating and losing, for example, we noticed less sense of community, rejecting one's own language, less sensitivity to the presence of God ... less interested in defending social rights ... most family dysfunction.
- Loss of identity. Our people have a lot of cultural diversity: Q'eqchi ', Poqomchi', Achi and Ladino. But the people of Mayan origin are not social and political organization allowed the development according to their rights. This lack of structure and resources makes weak to maintain its identity to the challenges of modern society.
- is not in the religious dimension, specifically in the liturgy, to value and preserve their original models of relationship with God.
In recent years we have seen how it has aroused the apostolic spirit of the laity. In the rural area is not new, but if it is in urban areas. We see many lay people studying theology, participating in retreats, courses, etc.. In the parishes involved in the planning and decision through Pastoral Councils, etc.
new values \u200b\u200bare being met, shortly before taken into account: more dynamism in the liturgical life, more ability to take changes, increased participation of women seeking a more personal relationship with God and authentic, more sense of conversion, etc.. The witness of life and ministry in recent years that led many brothers even to give his life in martyrdom.
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