A. Catechists. Delegates of the Word.
There Verapaz in our church an estimated 8.000 catechists, dating back to 1972. St. Benedict Center was the propeller and trainer of the first generations of Delegates and Catechists. STRENGTHS
consider fundamental apostolate. They carry the heaviest burden on the task of evangelization: Liturgy of the Word of God on Sundays and often during the week, the preparatory catechesis the sacraments and care for the sick. They also participate in courses and meetings scheduled to maintain lifelong learning. WEAKNESSES
often fall into the routine and improvisation. Some have lost their mystique and you do not prepare in group activities. Others have fallen into the chiefdom and do not want to lead young people. The celebrations of the Word are un-dynamic and non-participatory. Communities do not convey the message that they learn in the courses. It has created new rivalries with groups that have emerged in communities. CHALLENGES
- Spiritual renewal, theological and methodology.
- Recognition and definition of existing ministries.
- Addressing the issue of family ministry, power generation and core ministries.
- critical awareness training
B. Lay movements.
In our diocese there are several lay movements: Cursillo, Charismatic Renewal, Marriage Encounter, Neocatechumenate, Close Encounters of Youth Promotion and Other.
is the most common form of renewal and urban lay participation in church life. They also have a presence in rural areas. Keep alive the zeal and collaborate in parish ministry. WEAKNESSES
His own training dynamics often keeps them outside the training and pastoral activity. Their training is more responsive to the charism of the founders that the peculiar characteristics of the local Church. Some practice a spirituality of some socio-political commitment. In rural areas, have caused problems to imitate the forms of preaching and evangelical pastors. Sometimes more value to the community group. Lack of coordination between the apostolic movements. CHALLENGES
- find their place in the Pastoral Plan of the diocesan Church.
- which are renewed in their training. Join
- them more aware of the Church - Communion.
- work in coordinating the various ministries of the community and the Parish Pastoral.
In Verapaz there are 17 religious congregations. Approximate Total: 85
are very dedicated people to serve the Kingdom of God. They perform a variety of tasks, such as education, health ministry, urban and rural parish ministry, catechesis, etc.. Give a good witness of poverty and service. WEAKNESSES
Sometimes his pastoral
not coordinated with the Diocesan Plan. Lack theological renewal. Little coordination with the pastors. CHALLENGES
- Increased dialogue with pastors and mutual understanding, so that his presence will help to develop a good parish pastoral plan.
- more decisively To promote women's ministry.
- long training in theology.
- More interest in indigenous culture.
D. Priests.
7 There are priests belonging to religious congregations. Number of religious priests: 44 Number of diocesan priests: 22 STRENGTHS
dedicate their lives to full-time service and mission of the Church. Are generally well accepted and considered by the faithful, who value their sacrifice. Some show due respect for the culture of the people, especially in the rural pastoral. WEAKNESSES
Too apostolic activity causes them to lose the habit of study, reflection and prayer in common. Generally share some responsibility apostolic women religious and laity, remain wary of clericalism and management responsibilities to the laity. There are still too "parochialism" and lack the sense of the Pastoral de Conjunto.
- to exercise responsibility in the pastoral direction and above all, administrative, Parishes.
- That really advise Parish Councils.
- To promote the organization of the catechists. That
- become more integrated into the pastoral concerns of the Diocese.
- To continue with his theological training
- To respect the provisions regarding ministries.
- pool created to support of some priests.