If the name is from Toledo, why nobody lives in Toledo last name is Belmont?
Some time ago I read on the internet a study by a government agency Toledo on surnames originated from the city. Were about fifteen. Our name was among them.
Note: I turned to look and I found this :
TOLEDO. Ana Maria de Corcuera and Hernando, corresponding Polan of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Historical Sciences Toledo, investigated the origin of the surnames of our strains, the noble titles bearing the name of Toledo and the towns of Toledo and adjectives for the people along and breadth of the province. To do this, he worked doggedly in the Library Nationality. (Sic)
Ana Maria Corcuera said that the names clearly Toledo generated in the capital are: Aguiar, Aguilar, Armildez, Belmar, Cervantes, fawns, Gudiel, Illán, Yllanes, Moraleda, Ramirez Villaescusa, Rome, Sonsoles, Simal, Thierry and Vazquez de Acuna.
Proceeding of Toledo, it is possible that the origin is Jewish, since the vast majority of them are so.
is possible that the origin of our name is an "error palaeography, and thus for example Bedmar (a city in Jaen) has become Belmar. So someone "Bedmar" became someone "of Belmar." If this were the case, our name would come from an area conquered from the Moors, and someone "Bedmar" could well be of Moorish origin.
And to top it wildest speculation: Bedmar the city was originally called Belmar.
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