As your honors know, from February to March of last year I do kendo at the University of Valencia.
This year (like every year) is organizing the VIII Open and Clinic University of Valencia.
(Open is an international tournament, if I remember correctly Clinic is a kind of seminar / lectures.)
To highlight the attendance of students and teachers of kendo Wase University, Tokyo, Japan.
is held from 16 to 20 February 2011, with the tournament on Saturday 19.
More information:
Yes, I know, their grants recreationists think "bucking as if it coincides with The Marriage of Isabel de Segura, bone, Los Amantes de Teruel, 17 to 20 February." The truth is that until January I did not realize that matched.
not worry you , as he told Isildurio and Fidelis's blog on Saturday to break away Teruel, I promised and I will do (a unless it rains or nevase, and time is a little unstable). Although not done anything this year about armadureo or sewing, Teruel I can not lose (see Steps battle this year is also what I call and trying to stay at the camp ratillo Recreation) .
So I hope to see you there.
11.19 Editorial February 17: Teruel Other years I have been to many family members last night told me that this year we are only three, thus going in the morning or to return after lunch to Valencia or no go. : S We are deciding. My sorrows No more story, which this is a blog, not a daily. (
23.53 Edito February 17:: (It seems that I can not go, we would have to go my father, my mother and me my mother was the desire will not go their premiums (and other years us gathered about 10-12 people) and my father likes but do not see anything new in the party, we would go to that purpose to take my .... and I feel bad and they decide.
I do not like to justify, let alone have reached this situation after he had told Paco, Axil Jonos and was going to go, and have written the entry a couple of days for nothing.
Anyway, all will be well tied tomorrow night, who knows? "Maybe if I go?. : S (I close my edition).
Editorial February 20, 2011, 18.47: Sorry I could not go to Teruel. At the end the option expired, the high probability of rain that was predicted on the internet and not wanting to "force" my parents to go to Teruel (which child goes with his daddy to the park) just for me was what decanted for not going. I hope at least it would not rain and see if I can go next year.
My apologies for not having come to those who had promised to go.
Moreover, the positive of having been was to participate in the tournament, but was reluctant to participate I had to focus, to fight my fears, against myself and learning to truly participate. In short train body and mind, learn and grow as a person.
close my issue.
The problem is in coming years, as both events will coincide guess, and the more veteran in kendo is less likely to have to go to Teruel in coming years, it would require more responsibility on my part for the club University of kendo.
: S
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Now back to talking about the Open VIII and Kendo Clinic Universitat de Valencia.
Of course, to which you can invite you to come to those who podais or you might be interested. Admission is free to the tournament, I guess to see the seminars will be also.
I'm signed up for the seminars. Although I am a newbie (not yet arrived a year) do not know much about it.
special thing is that people come from all over Spain and abroad, noting that go (as I said before) two teachers and several students of kendo Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. (More information on the web that I have set up). With them we practice in training class this and next week and at seminars. Going to be a very intense weeks.
I make the entry as short as possible without funky, I know.
So without further ado I show you my bogu, kendo armor.
(Again, how bad is the camera from my house). Left
above, the Men (venga. .. let's call center, although it is not) this is new, I have just three weeks I am also novatillo bone with armor, knowing where to buy (internet) does not come so expensive, in fact it has cost me more than a spangenhelm of good. Beside the do (dou, or shell) and tare down, they are rather old and worn but they are good, both are detached from the club in exchange for their care and not damage them. Bottom-right of kotes or gloves, these are new to me too but "changed" my compi Mapi. And that white is the tenugui, the tissue that goes in the head.
Photo from wikipedia. For better identifiqueis bogu parts.
Oh, I'm biting tongue not elaborate. So if you want some specific information, something that you have curiosity, do not hesitate to ask. ;)
I leave this post here, with the strange feeling that I left something for comment. Hehehehe.
PD1: When practicing kendo, the respect (fear) that the riots had recreationists is no longer such, it is more curiosity but with caution (which are metal replicas "are loaded by the devil "). Time to time. What has to be will be ...