A good Christmas morning you gives to see you are doing Recreoanacronista by your blog and see who is making a loom tablets.
and think "oh, come on I'll try" gives you the rush and try it.
"That will not have the guts to do something big as Axil and Harald -.
Yes it will be Mr italics.
As I was saying. For this I used the tutorials and information Recreoanacronista had linked on his blog (but without getting to make patterns) and I remembered something of a practical class that made some friends in the race on boards looms.
Before I get to do a test of truth, I did a small test strip with embroidery threads (the embroidery frames) having at home and how I use cardboard strips.
Here the pictures of the process.
5 square centimeters in the master side.
In this picture at first trying to "trick" central hole quickly dismissed, as shown on the next photo.
On the issue of central hole. A Recreoanacronista in his blog mentioned it, because running mates who made a practice of cloth boards made a hole and I remembered that it worked, but when testing I realized that if you put a central rod, gives stability but does not let the wires, which may be worth, but only at certain times when you can deconstruct it and rolling it to keep strips together, but when the plot turns is worthless.
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Seeing that things had worked more or less satisfactory, I decided to make a long belt (in order to replace ugly fake leather belt I have).
That same afternoon I went to stock up "material." I went to the Chinese, I asked wool, and certainly gave me something that is artificial, but having no skill, better to spend those cheap balls you buy some expensive wool and come out a good swill belt.
As for the tablets, as normal is to use laminated wood (okume), or a resilient material from which I read that could be worth playing cards, old cards are recommended to avoid wasting old, but yes, I see sacrilegious to break a good deck and very old Heraclio Fournier to be, so that the Chinese also bought me a pack by 80 cents a bad thing to do slat and so take them for another occasion.
once already with all the stuff, his stuff is to calculate the extent of the threads. In the websites listed as Recreoanacronista cited. I think I did wrong. Every thread I gave a measure of 2'90 meters.
I understand that this thread to put in half must provide two rows and not just one as it happened to me and my belt so I've gone very long, so that I can make two turns and a half to my waist.
Short letters, make holes and then pass the wires through the slats and all the hassle involved.
And once you prepare the tablets prepared a shuttle (I used a ruler to the thread), and going and going and turning the slats to grow tissue and to the end. I did not follow any pattern, so I just spun as it is, the complicated patterns leave for another occasion.
How much ahead warp!
in common: Beware
tablets are very malicious. Hehe. If you do not realize you could be turning the tables in reverse order because they have turned and you have not noticed, even some boards can be changed in order and messing.
The good thing is that the cards are numbered, so if you follow an order of position and numbers, know at any time if they are in good standing boards or not. But you can always put numbers and letters to the boards to follow an order.
entanglements. As you can see in the picture above, as the tissue grows in the back are bound to blend together the threads is something I have not found a web-explanation, beyond logic to turn the tablets makes wire squirm behind and may eventually have to untangle. If someone knows a solution, appreciate it. hehe
I think it may be advisable if someone wanted to do a lot of tissue with this type of loom, a loom that was done in wood structure such as the examples linked by recreoanacronista. It looks more comfortable, fast and accurate, and being in power strips do not entangle.
Well, that's it, does not make much secret either.
all finished, you remove the "tablets" and do braids threads (such as queues of our sisters or cousins \u200b\u200bwhen were small).
Short fringe left over the braids and voila!
Short fringe left over the braids and voila!
And even here today. To be the first time not bad. The important thing is practice fuck do better on future occasions correct errors and introducing design patterns to give decoration. Everything will come.
Until next time. ;)